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Veiligheid en uw gebit
Tandbeschadigingen kunnen vaak worden voorkomen — met name als u weet waar u op moet letten. Dit overzicht helpt u daarbij. Vul de delen in die u gevaarlijk vindt.

Mogelijke gevaren in mijn omgeving
  • Leer kinderen voorzichtig met elkaar om te gaan en herinner hen eraan dat ze op hun beurt moeten wachten
Van de trap vallen
  • Zorg ervoor dat uw kind zich niet opgejaagd voelt
  • Laat kinderen de trapleuning gebruiken
Vallen van de fiets of speeltoestellen
  • Lees de veiligheidsregels
  • Zorg voor een veilig gebruik
  • Zorg ervoor dat de toestellen geschikt zijn voor de leeftijd van uw kind en in goede staat verkeren
Rennen met iets in de mond
  • Maak een lijstje met de dingen die in de mond mogen worden gedaan en zet er plaatjes naast
  • Hang het lijstje op ooghoogte van uw kind
  • Herinner kinderen eraan dat ze moeten lopen, niet rennen
  • Ruim speelgoed, andere spullen en morserijen op
Auto-ongelukken (noodstop)
  • Draag altijd een veiligheidsgordel
  • Laat kinderen een rollenspel spelen
Op harde voorwerpen bijten
  • Maak samen een lijstje van alles waarop je niet mag bijten
  • Laat kinderen het lijstje aanvullen met voorwerpen die ze zelf bedenken

Wist u dat?

  • Er met de bovenste voortanden de meeste ongelukken gebeuren
  • Tanden en tandvlees achter in de mond het vaakst beschadigen door het kauwen op potloden, ijs of noten

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Copyright © 2011 Colgate-Palmolive Company. Alle rechten voorbehouden.

Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items
Possible Danger Areas in My Setting
  • Encourage children to be considerate of each other, and gently remind them to wait their turn when appropriate
Falling on stairs
  • Make sure children don't
    feel hurried
  • Remind children to use handrails
Falling from bikes and playground equipment
  • Review safety rules
  • Teach safe use
  • Make sure equipment is age appropriate and in good repair
Running with objects in mouth
  • Make a list together of the only things that should go in your mouth, and illustrate together
  • Post at children's eye level
  • Remind children to walk, don't run
  • Clean up toys, materials, and spills
Car accidents (sudden stops)
  • Always wear seatbelts
Biting hard objects
  • Make a list together of everything you shouldn't bite
  • Encourage children to add to the list as they think of items

Dit artikel is bedoeld om begrip van en kennis over algemene thema's in verband met mondgezondheid te bevorderen. Het is niet bedoeld als vervanging voor professioneel advies, diagnose of behandeling. Vraag altijd advies aan uw tandarts of een andere gekwalificeerde zorgverlener als u vragen hebt over een medische aandoening of behandeling.